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    Garden of Vegan plants a tree for every new order placed

    November 20, 2020

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    Garden Of Vegan will be planting a tree for every new order placed! 

    This conscious decision to do our bit for the environment didn’t come without good reason. Australia has experienced one of the largest natural disasters in history. 2019's fire season brought about unprecedented destruction as wildfires have spread across every Australian state, burning up nearly 6 million hectares (15 million acres) since January 2020. But the devastation witnessed in the state of New South Wales is nearly unfathomable - 3.6 million hectares (8.8 million acres) have been lost, over 1,500 homes destroyed or damaged, and 24 people lost their lives. New South Wales is home to some of the most iconic of Australia's wildlife - koalas, wombats, and kangaroos to name a few - and their habitat is rapidly declining. 

    Plenty of support will be needed to restore the Australian landscape back to health, after the Black Summer Fires.

    Garden of Vegan have partnered with One Tree Planted, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation with the global mission of providing a simple method to planting trees, making it easy for everyone to help support the environment. Globally they are in partnership with local communities and credited experts positively improving nature, people and wildlife. The rebuilding of forests after fires and floods, assists the community not just physically but economically, opening up many job opportunities while restoring our biodiversity.
    Many projects combine benefits contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

    In September 2020, One Tree Planted in collaboration with AstraZeneca, the Global EverGreening Alliance and Greening Australia launched one of Australia’s largest ever restoration projects to support bushfire recovery.

    “The large-scale environmental project is a collaboration between AstraZeneca’s global initiative AZ Forest supported by partner OneTree Planted, and the Global EverGreening Alliance’s Restore Australia program, supported by Ark2030. All on-ground activity will be delivered by one of Australia’s largest environmental restoration organisations, Greening Australia.” stated Diana Chaplin in OneTree’s Press Release 22nd September 2020; Global partnership to plant 25 million trees for Australia’s bushfire recovery.

    The 50 million tree reforestation initiative has projected to plant Five million trees per year in locations across Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania to reach a total of 25 million trees by 2025. The project is aimed to support the regeneration of Australian land after the devastating black summer bushfires.

    “The project will cover approximately 20,000 hectares of land, equivalent to one-quarter of the city of Canberra in size, and create habitat for dozens of endangered species. Establishing 25 million trees will sequester approximately 4.25 million tonnes of carbon dioxide over a 25-year crediting period, equivalent to the emissions produced by 920,000 cars running for an entire year.” stated Diana Chaplin in OneTree’s Press Release 22nd September 2020; Global partnership to plant 25 million trees for Australia’s bushfire recovery.

    The trees chosen to be planted, will bring the greatest overall benefit to the land. This includes various types of native trees and companion plants, depending on the specific needs of each section of habitat being restored.
    The trees planted will not only create new homes and shelter for our native animals but will preserve habitat for endangered species affected by the bushfires. The prioritised trees to be planted include Eucalyptus Punctata and Eucalyptus Melliodora, which will increase Koala and Regent Honeyeater food supply and access, whereas She-Oak Trees will provide food for the Glossy Black Cockatoo.
    Some may new, vital habitats will be formed and provide safety for our endangered species including the Sandhill Dunnart, Malleefowl, Honey Possum and Black-Gloved Wallaby. 

    Garden of Vegan’s plant donations will provide many new job opportunities for Traditional Owners and rural communities, such as seed collection, planting and long-term stewardship. It is estimated to produce 890 new jobs over 5 years and engage 150 Indigenous and Non-Indigenous business subcontractors, seed suppliers and nurseries. 

    Why did Garden of Vegan decide to donate each week to One Tree Planted and and plant trees?
    Because we truly care about our environment.
    Without nature thriving we simply can not thrive as a human race.

    Trees help to clean the air we breath, whilst providing a safe and natural habitat to over 80% of the worlds biodiversity. Trees also help to filter the water we drink, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, provide key ingredients to 25% of all medicines and provide jobs to 1.6 billion people.

    Planting trees helps to;
    1. Restore native forests. Planting trees, will help to assist native vegetation in growing back whilst also preventing erosion, improving soil quality and controlling invasive species which be a threat particularly after bush fires.
    2. Protect wildlife, by restoring critical habitat.  A healthy ecosystem supports higher biodiversity and encourages resiliency to many environmental threats and stressors including climate change.
    3. Reduces the impact of future bushfires. Young healthy forests can help minimise the threat of future wildfires. It also helps prevent future catastrophic spreading and reduces the impact of smoke which is considered as a public health concern and is damaging to the native ecosystems.

    Together we can have a positive and hopeful impact across Australia, in re-building our natural and native ecosystem.
    Help out by donating or simply by purchasing a Garden of Vegan meal box... 

    Every new Garden of Vegan meal box= 1 tree planted

    Head to;  to learn more...


    Images provided by One Tree Planted 2020.