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    New Organic Agriculture Study. Soil treated with organic fertilizers stores more carbon!

    October 15, 2024

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    Soil treated with organic fertilizers stores more carbon!

    A study referenced in June 2024, has shown "Soil treated with organic fertilizers stores more carbon".Is this headline just a dream or is there proof this is true?

    Researchers from Kansas State University (in the United States) explored how different farming practices affect the amount of carbon stored in soil. And, this study was not short. The researchers analyzed soil from a Kansas cornfield that had been farmed with no tilling and only manure/compost fertilizer for the past 22 years.1

    What did they find? They found that "... the soil enhanced (treated) with manure or compost fertilizer stores more carbon than soil that received either chemical fertilizer or no fertilizer."1

    There it is; the proof that using organic fertilizers is better for helping the earth store carbon than synthetic fertilizers or no fertilizers. In addition, the researchers noticed that "they found that it was preserved in pores and some carbon had attached itself to minerals in the soil."1 So the organic-treated soil was helping carbon attach itself to minerals.

    But that's not all. According to the article in, "The team also found that the soil treated with manure or compost contained more microbial carbon, an indication that these enhancements support more microorganisms and their activities in the soil. In addition, they identified special minerals in the soil, evidence Hettiarachchi says, that the treatments contribute to active chemical and biological processes."1

    Think about this for a second: soil treated with organic fertilizers stores more carbon, supports more microorganisms, and, in addition, new special minerals are forming in the soil. This sounds like a win for the planet.

    But did the world know that organic farming concerning the actual soil, helps the climate so much? It did not appear to be widely studied for long periods of time. That is why this newest study is so important as it relates to the actual soil. For example, previous studies have often focused on the CO2 issues and damaging effects of synthetic fertilizers, production, usage, and the energy required to create synthetic fertilizers. According to the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) they reported "... Studies show that the elimination of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers alone, as is required in organic systems, could lower direct global agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by about 20%."2 Again, they were not ever focusing on the soil. Furthermore, the NRDC states "A forty-year study conducted by the Rodale Institute also showed that organic farms use 45% less energy compared to conventional farms (while maintaining or even exceeding yields after a 5-year transition period.)"2. Once again, they are not focusing on the soil concerning the benefits to the climate.

    But how important is the soil component of climate change? Very important as a recent study has shown. It helps close the loop of why the world transitioning to organic agriculture is so important by not just focusing on pesticides or the energy required to make synthetic fertilizers but also focusing on the soil itself and how healthy soils can aid in C02 sequestration!

    Furthermore, in our previous blog titled Australia is ranked #1 in organic agricultural land usage! Celebrate Australian Organic Awareness Month - Part 2 we have shown that Australia is ranked #1 in organic agricultural land usage. So Australia is not only leading the way in organic land usage but it is also doing its amazing part in keeping C02 emissions out of the atmosphere.

    We hope that farmers around the world adopt these organic methods for the planet and everyone on the planet.

    We're all doing our part for the environment, climate change, and our health!

    Garden of Vegan wants you to know:

    • We deliver fresh, certified organic food!
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    • We believe in great-tasting natural foods using 100% plant-based seasonings and sauces.
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    At Garden of Vegan, our mission is clear: to promote human and planetary health through delicious, organic plant-based meals. Every ingredient we use is certified organic, meaning it meets rigorous standards set by Australian Certified Organic (ACO). Our choice to go organic stems from our commitment to quality, sustainability, and health.

    Ready to experience the super-nutritious foods for yourself?

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    Let's all stay healthy and inspired.

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    1. Soil treated with organic fertilizers stores more carbon, study finds -
    2. Organic Agriculture Helps Solve Climate Change - NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council)