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    David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet and why this is the documentary of our time...

    October 06, 2020

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    David Attenborough has coined it, his “witness statement”.

    David Attenborough A life on Our Planet, is one of the most important and pivotal documentaries of our time. It traces back through David’s lifetime highlighting many of his findings and revealed truths from his 60 plus year, successful career.  All of his wild explorations across the planet and first hand accounts have been showcased as his final plea to society, whilst providing many answers to life’s questions.

    David believes that our planet is finite and so are we.

    “...a species can only thrive when everything else around it thrives too.”
    -David Attenborough A life on Our Planet 2020

    This film is my witness statement and my vision for the future. The story of how we came to make this our greatest mistake and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right.”
    -David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet 2020

    A Life on Our Planet is a comprehensive awakening to the problems we face in our natural world, the impact these ecological atrocities will bear in the years to come and what we can do about it now. How can we save not only our planet but ourselves from extinction?

    “We need to learn how to work with nature rather than against it and I’m going to tell you how.”
    -David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet 2020

    So what can we do right now? Watch A Life on Our Planet which is streaming on Netflix and share it with everyone you know. 

    Image By cottonbro from Pexels

    For the last 7 decades we have had the privilege of growing up listening to and watching Sir David Attenborough. 
    Sir David Fredrick Attenborough has dedicated his entire life to creating and presenting hundreds of enlightening programs and timeless documentaries from all across the world aimed to inspire and educate. For the first time in human history David Attenborough was able to connect us with the living world via our screens and radios, pioneering nature documentaries and leading the way in education about the natural world around us.
    Born in 1926, the 94 year old has just released his latest and potentially last documentary; ‘A Life on Our Planet’.
    David stated via his new instagram account an essential truth “..The earth is finite and we need to look after it’”

    “I’m often asked what's the one thing that would really make a difference? I don't think there’s one single thing, we all live such different lives but there might be one approach that could make a very big difference indeed. In my film ‘A life on Our Planet’ I call it ‘rewilding the world’ but in practical terms it means putting nature at the heart of our decisions.
    If we can move from viewing nature as something that’s ‘nice to have’ to seeing it as the most fundamental factor in our civilisations’ survival we would make decisions very differently to the way we do today. From everyday choices about what we eat or how we use our money to the very big decisions about how we do business or govern ourselves. The recovery of nature could be at the heart of humanity’s mission in the 21st century. Because after all, we are a part of nature. In my film, I talk about what we must do to solve the biggest challenges we face and i’ll be sharing these solutions over the next few weeks.

    The problems may seem daunting, but together we can change course. I describe ‘A Life on Our Planet’ as my witness statement.
    So if you’re keen to do something right now I invite you to watch the film and if you find it informative, please encourage others to do the same. Thank you.”
    -David Attenborough @davidattenborough Nature at the heart of our decisions posted 05.10.2020

    “The world is in trouble. Continents are on fire, glaciers are melting, coral reefs are dying, fish are disappearing from our oceans... the list goes on and on.”
    -David Attenborough @davidattenborough 24.09.2020

    David Attenborough and the team behind ‘A Life on Our Planet’ have ventured from their otherwise natural habitats to the online social media world. David explained that he has now joined Instagram, as a new way of communicating with the world to provide humanity with the solutions they need to hear right now.
    David will be sharing his insights and passions behind protecting the natural world.
    He believes that together, we can support one another to raise our collective awareness of the solutions at hand, to combat the problems of our time, being climate change and biodiversity loss.
    “It’s easy to forget that we are also a part of nature. Our natural world is so much more than ‘nice to have’. It’s fundamental to our survival. Often I find that while people are familiar with the problem of climate change they know less about the loss of nature that is happening around us. We should be in no doubt ‘biodiversity loss’; the destruction of nature is as grave an issue as climate change.”
    -David Attenborough @davidattenborough Biodiversity: the loss of nature 23.09.2020

    Here is a little snippet from David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet, eloquently explaining our living world...
    “The living world is a unique and spectacular marvel. Billions of individuals of millions of kinds of plants and animals, dazzling in their variety and richness. Working together, to benefit from the energy of the sun and the minerals of the earth. Leading lives that interlock in such a way that they sustain each other. We rely entirely on this finely tuned life support machine and it relies on its biodiversity to run smoothly. Yet the way we humans live on earth now, is sending biodiversity into a decline. The natural world is fading, the evidence is all around, it's happened in my lifetime, I've seen it with my own eyes.This film is my witness statement and my vision for the future. The story of how we came to make this our greatest mistake and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right.”
    -David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet 2020

    Image By urfinguss

    To celebrate the launch of A Life on Our Planet, Netflix released a promotional video where Sir David Attenborough was asked questions about his career and the current issues we face. This Q&A included many acclaimed people from the T.V, film, sport, music and natural history arena including, but not limited to;
    David Beckham; @davidbeckham
    Billie Eilish; @billieeilish
    Patricia Allison’ @trishallison
    Maisie Williams; @maisie_williams
    Marcus Rashford; @marcusrashford
    Isabella Gomez; @isabella.gomez
    Asa Butterfield; @asabopp from @sexeducation
    Iluuna Sorenson; @iluunas

    To learn more from David Attenborough, check out his social media account on Instagram @davidattenborough which has grown to near 5.5 million followers within the first month of opening

    Stream his latest documentary ‘A Life on Our Planet’ on Netflix;

    Or check local cinemas near you to see if and when it is screening;

    David Attenborough A life on Our Planet released 2020
    Directed by:
     Keith Scholey, Alastair Fothergill, Jonathan Hughes
    Cast: David Attenborough

    Feature Image By alempkht