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    Plant-Based Diets and Diabetes Prevention & Management

    June 01, 2024

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    Plant-Based Diets, Glucose Levels, and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Treatment

    Plant-based diets offer numerous benefits. According to a study by the NIH "Multiple potential mechanisms underlie the benefits of a plant-based diet in ameliorating insulin resistance, including promotion of a healthy body weight, increases in fiber and phytonutrients, food-microbiome interactions, and decreases in saturated fat, advanced glycation endproducts, nitrosamines, and heme iron."1

    Of course, what is important is to follow a healthy plant-based diet and eat whole fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. So let's look at some key takeaways and facts from the study:

    "Dietary choices are a key driver of insulin resistance, especially in an aging, more sedentary population."1

    And, the study analysis states "Plant-based diets―i.e., eating patterns that emphasize legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds and discourage most or all animal products―are especially potent in preventing type 2 diabetes and have been associated with much lower rates of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular mortality, and cancer."

    More importantly from the study:

    Specific fruits and vegetables, including root vegetables, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, grapes, and apples, have been linked to lower diabetes rates.[21],[22] Legumes have also been shown to ameliorate insulin resistance and protect against metabolic syndrome,[23]–[26] and greater nut consumption has been associated with lower diabetes risk.[7] Cereal fiber appears to be especially protective against type 2 diabetes.[27]–[29]1

    In addition to reducing the risk of diabetes, fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts offer numerous other benefits such as calcium, antioxidants, protein, and a whole range of vitamins and minerals.

    The key takeaway is that this study has shown that eating a plant-based diet ameliorates insulin resistance.

    Finally, "Evidence from observational and interventional studies demonstrates the benefits of plant-based diets in treating type 2 diabetes and reducing key diabetes-related macrovascular and microvascular complications".1

    That study focused a lot on diabetes prevention.

    The next question might be "Can diabetes be put into remission?"

    There have been studies that have shown that diabetes can be put into remission, such as the CORDIOPREV study.

    The takeaway from this study analysis is clear: "Cox regression showed that patients increasing plant protein intake were more likely to remit from diabetes than those who decreased its intake (HR = 1.71(1.05–2.77))."2 with a conclusion that "These results support the need to increase protein intake of vegetal origin as dietary therapy to reverse type 2 diabetes in the context of healthy diets without weight loss."2

    Furthermore in another study, to test the theory objective of "To establish feasibility of achieving T2D remission with a plant-predominant diet in a cohort of free-living individuals."3

    That study analysis concluded, "A lifestyle-based treatment intervention promoting adherence to a plant-predominant diet and integrated as part of routine care can successfully achieve T2D remission in wellness clinic patients."3

    The study above is interesting because they had a very solid goal "The objective of this case series is to demonstrate the feasibility of medication reduction and remission using lifestyle-based intervention without drastic energy restriction among a subset of patients with T2D at a medical clinic in the Eastern US."3. So the goal was to study the outcome of dietary change on remission.

    The conclusion of that study is important: "This case series demonstrates that prescribing a high-fiber, low-fat, whole food, plant-predominant diet can facilitate lifestyle change and achieve remission of T2D in free-living individuals. Previous work has indicated that plant-predominant diets can improve diabetes outcomes; however, these studies have largely involved calorie restriction and/or fasting or have not identified remission as a primary outcome.19-22 The DIRECT study found that a very low-energy diet achieved T2D remission in 36% of intervention participants 3 "

    ​​​One can see eating a plant-based diet can help prevent diabetes and even treat diabetes as well as treat or reduce symptoms of other health conditions. Adopt a fully plant-based diet and improve your health. The science proves this.

    When you shop at Garden of Vegan, you get delicious meals and sides with high amounts of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains with high nutrient content. In addition, Garden of Vegan is 100% certified organic, gluten-free, preservative and additive-free, and 100% plant-based. So you can improve your diet by getting the healthiest organic, plant-based meals delivered directly to your home or office.

    We aim to make getting healthy easier! Get started with healthy meals, side, and snack deliveries, or our super-fresh produce boxes. We also have meal plans for every lifestyle.

    How can Garden of Vegan improve your health?

    Garden of Vegan can help you with your health goals by making it easier for you to eat healthy nutritious foods:

    1. Garden of Vegan delivers healthy, plant-based ready-made meals across Australia. Leave the food cooking and nutrition to us!

    2. Garden of Vegan also delivers healthy sides, pantry items, and fresh produce boxes.

    3. Garden of Vegan also has many meal plans to help you achieve your health goals.

    So when you don't have the time or energy to prepare healthy food, let us help you improve and maintain your health and heart health. All Garden of Vegan delicious meals, sides, and produce boxes are certified organic and dairy-free, gluten-free, additive-free, and preservative-free. So you know you will be getting delicious meals, sides, and snacks that are super healthy as well.

    Unable to cook healthy food and you are an NDIS participant? No problem! Garden of Vegan works with the NDIS program too.

    Garden of Vegan's customers, including NDIS participants, can rest assured that our organic meals, produce, and pantry items are 100% organic and nutritious! And, NDIS participants only pay for the food cost component of the meals they order. You can learn more about Garden of Vegan NDIS plans and healthy meal delivery by filling out our NDIS form and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible.

    We want people to be healthy! We are continually changing our menus and expanding our nutrition information online! Join our Newsletter and read our blog.

    Additional health information from Garden of Vegan

    Garden of Vegan Vitamin Guide:
    Learn more about healthy foods and how you can increase your vitamin intake with healthy meals, sides, sauces, desserts, and pantry items at the Garden of Vegan Vitamin Guide.

    1. A plant-based diet for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes - National Institute of Health (NIH)
    2. Changes in quantity plant-based protein intake on type 2 diabetes remission in coronary heart disease patients: from the CORDIOPREV study - National Institute of Health (NIH)
    3. Remission of Type 2 Diabetes After Treatment With a High-Fiber, Low-Fat, Plant-Predominant Diet Intervention: A Case Series - Sage Journals